
At St Mary’s we are blessed with the opportunity to work and learn in new facilities that are a product of immense sacrifices, detailed planning and the highest standards of architectural and construction practice. In 2015, detailed planning commenced for implementing a new iteration of our community as a Year 7-12 Catholic college. The construction of new facilities was integral to the process. We give thanks for countless hours of self-effacing service that have gifted us these new facilities. Teachers and students occupy these spaces in a manner that affects our individual and collective gratitude.

Our new facilities stand as a symbol of progress. They tell a story of a community’s growth and development, but this only part of the story. The real story is reflected in the “spirit of community” with which we embrace our new facilities; where we seek to grow as both learners and human beings, centred on, and inspired and nourished by, God’s love as revealed in the human Jesus.

Recent additions

  • Contemporary learning spaces.
  • An open-learning space designed for team teaching and environmental education.
  • Newly refurbished classrooms equipped with technology for contemporary learning.
  • Staff and administration facilities including new counselling offices, multiple interview rooms, multiple collaboration spaces for teachers, parents and students, designated service areas for IT support services, student support services (including sick bay and sign-out) and a new finance services area.
  • Computer labs.
  • Contemporary Visual Arts rooms with ample resources including a kiln and a printing press.
  • State of the art Music facilities including recording and soundproof rehearsal spaces.
  • iSTEM and TAS facilities including fully equipped Stage 6 Building & Construction, Technology and STEM equipment/resources.
  • Contemporary Hospitality & Food Technology spaces enabling the teaching of Certificate II Hospitality.
  • A Certificate III Business Services Training Room for Years 11 & 12 students.
  • Skills for Workplace and Vocational Pathways.
  • Senior study space enabling students to relax and work in collaboration with teachers and others.
  • Careers and VET space where students and parents can meet with our Leader of Learning.
  • A Learning Support Centre available to all students and staffed by a team of learning support teachers and learning support assistants.
  • Ministry and Pastoral Space for use by students and their families and for delivery of programs such as Seasons for Growth
  • Café facilities, where not only our community can gather, but Stage 6 Hospitality students are able to complete VET competencies in a real-world context.
  • A new cafeteria for students and staff.
  • Modern gallery space for exhibitions, professional development, and performances.

Click on an image below to view a gallery of our facilities.