St Mary’s Catholic College offers a broad, diverse and challenging contemporary curriculum that caters for the learning needs of all students. We seek to provide an opportunity for all students to achieve their potential through a variety of pathways.
Students at St Mary’s have choice in their learning and our curriculum is broad in its scope. In addition to the NSW Core Curriculum requirements, we seek to provide scope and opportunity for courses that differentiate between learners and cater for diversity and inclusivity. We offer opportunities for personalised pathways within the curriculum, including the following.
- A wide and diverse range of Additional Courses of Study in Stage 5.
- VET Courses (Certificate II Qualification) in Hospitality, Business Services and Construction.
- Life Skills course options for students needing support.
- A Gifted Education mentor and quality differentiation within the curriculum for all students to extend and enrich current curriculum offerings. Students may also apply for the Diocesan Gifted Virtual Academy.
- Extension programs in Mathematics and English.
- Accelerated Learning opportunities for targeted students.
- eVET, SBAT and Distance Education opportunities catering for specific learning pathways and transitioning into the workforce.
- Partnerships with organisations such as Lake Macquarie Council Landcare – enabling real and authentic learning in related subjects such as Geography and Science.
- iSTEM pathways and enrichment programs.
The college’s innovative timetable structure, four periods of longer lesson length, supports deep learning experiences and enables the delivery of academic programs that are authentic, engaging, robust and inventive.
Areas of study
St Mary’s Catholic College offers a complete set of study areas to its students. For more information,
click the Curriculum links on this page.